After a  cremation service in Rifle, CO
, your family might want to hold a celebration of life service in honor of your deceased loved one.
The mood at celebrations of life is usually more upbeat than it would have been at a funeral service. One reason is that the celebration of life service can be held weeks after the passing of a loved one. This gap between the cremation and the celebration of life will usually be enough time for loved ones to accept what has happened. So while they will still be mourning, they will usually still be able to focus on celebrating the life of their deceased family member.
One of the things you’ll want to consider when arranging a celebration of life service is what to display at the venue. What follows is a look at several display options for you to consider.
Pictures are like memories captured in a moment of time. When you flip through a photo album, isn’t it easy to go on a trip down memory lane? Looking at loved ones in pictures will allow you to relive some of life’s fondest experiences. When you display photos of your deceased loved one in the venue where the celebration of life will be held, you’ll be able to share memories. You can bet that there may be family members who had never seen some of the pictures before. When looking for pictures to put on display, don’t forget to check your deceased loved one’s phone or other digital devices. There may be some gems that would be great to put on display.
Was your deceased loved one an avid collector of sports cards, model trains, or baseball caps? If so, you might want to consider displaying some of their collections. This will give people the opportunity to see just what sort of person the deceased had been. Chances are your deceased loved one had many passions. You can display some of them at the celebration of life service.
Memorial Videos 
Would a memorial video be a good idea? It’s not uncommon for families to have these sorts of videos made – and some families simply do it themselves. A memorial video features video footage, audio recordings, music, and even pictures that are related to the deceased. You can either play the video at a certain time during the celebration of life service or have the memorial video play in the background throughout the event. This can be a powerful way to honor the deceased.
When the time comes to plan a cremation service in Rifle, CO, get in touch with us to learn how we can be of assistance. We specialize in helping grieving families with their final services planning needs. Whether you want to arrange a cremation or a funeral , we’re here to help. We’re personally available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to answer your questions and to meet your needs. Let us know how we can help you.
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